This page is devoded to the students and staff involved in teaching and learning process of APEG laboratory. The research here presented is mainly related to academic purposes. Also, the cooperation with industry is covered.
<Open Thesis><Guidences and advices><Publications>
Open Thesis:
MSc Thesis:
The students can work on the following thesis within our Group. Some of them are part of thematcs national or international projects.
Medical electronics:
1) Near ultrasound communication for medical purposes
The communication in near utrasound, audio range, (from 16KHz-20KHz) for mwdical purposes. Keywords: inaudio communication, near ultrasound communication. Th research is within HealthTalk project, funded by Fond of Inovation of Montenegro.
2) Low power strategies for medical wearables. Research of feasible low power design methodologies for medical instrumentation, including acquisition, storage, signal processing, communication and user interface asoects. keyword: low power for biomedical, microcontrollers, dsp for medical purposes etc. Cooperation with MECOnet inovation company.
3) Medical Internet of Things, optimised for wide applications. Research on feasible MIoT applications from hardware, software and networking points of views. Composing of existing platforms etc.. keyword: medical IoT, medical edge, telemedicine…Cooperation with HealthTalk project and MECOnet inovation company.
4) Signal processing techniques for low power, memory and speed limited microcontrollers, for medical purposes. Research on how we can implement powerful DSP algorithms on common and low cost microcontroller’s platforms. keyword: filtering, microcontrollers, dsp microcontrollers etc… Cooperation with MECOnet inovation company
5) Feasible system for cardiac rhythm anomalies detection. Research on small protection systems on cardiac arrithmias and other rhythm anomalies. keywords: arrithmias, detection, wearable systems, loop recorders, medical wearables. Cooperation with medical doctors and institutions.
6) Development of testing toolsets for medical purposes. Emhasis on electrophysiology instruments. keywords: inspection of medical instruments and devices, directives in this filed, ECG, EEG simulators…
7) Electrochemistry instrumentation and methods for medical wearables. 2 or 3 potentistat and galvanostat methods for detecting bimedical parameters. key words: potentiostat, galvanostat, glucose measurement…MECOnet inovation company
8) Design od the system for impedanse measureemnt for cases of overhydration and dehydration. Designing of feasible system that can be used as a help in measurements of overhydration and dehydration, keywords: overhydration, dehydration, measurements, microcontrollers.
Precision agriculture:
1) Agriculture internet of things. Optimised design for simple and midle complex purposes. keywords: precision agriculture, IoT, sensoring, telecommunications…Cooperation with MECOnet inovation company
Dissaters managment:
1) Disaster internet of things. Designing systems for protection against fires, floods, landslides and other natural or man-made disasters. keywords: IoT systems for disaster managment, embedded systems for disaster managment. Cooperation with ARCA project.
FPGA design
FPGA optimised design for IoT and wearable’s applications. In the system where microcontrollers could not answer the FPGA could be applied. Design of such systems. keywords: FPGA design, microcontrollres, DSP algorithms for FPGA.
Industrial electronics:
Experimental system based on FPGA Controlled 3phase Voltage Inverter. For motors’ control, teaching and learning. keywords: FPGA, motor inverters
HW & SW:
HW/SW design of custom based embedded systems by using open source or standard languages or signal processing tools. How we can as example transform MATLAB based application to Android or IPhone application, or how we can transform web aplication in mobile. keyword: converting Matlab to C, javascript and mobile applications
Guidences and advices
How to write MSc thesis by Radovan Stojanovic (in serbian)
PRIJAVA TEME MASTER RADA (formular primjer popunjavanja)
Some of the publications of students related to their seminar, diploma and master works, examples of works’ documentation
Edukacijsko eksperimentalni set za praćenje položaja sunca i intenziteta zračenja za potrebe optimizacije fotonaponskih sistema : magistarski rad
Journal and conference papers:
Milić, D., & Stojanović, R. (2023). A simple embedded system for solar tracking. WiPiEC Journal-Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 9(2).
Djurkovic, J., Stojanović, R., & Cico, B. (2023). An Experimental Platform for Fall Detection Using Beacon, Node MCU and MATLAB. WiPiEC Journal-Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 9(2).
Seminar works:
Smart Wine Refrigerator
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35515.59689
Mitar Otašević, Miljan Golubović, Stefan Raičević, Radovan Stojanovic
Model of Pump Control with LabVIEW and USB-6009
Vladimir Cetkovic, Anka Bojović, Elmir Bučan, Mikonja Mrkic, Radovan Stojanovic
Model of pump station for water supply with reserved pumps using Siemens LOGO!
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24610.40649
Rada Musić, Jovan Ćorović, Nebojsa Skerovic, Petar Milic, Radovan Stojanovic
Lazar Ašanin, Ivan Adžić, Ognjen Bulatović, Miloš Bojić, Semir Kardović and Pavle Saveljić and Radovan Stojanović, Smart Energy Meter with Arduino, Technical Report,
Uroš Janković, Ivan Dušević, Balša Kruščić, Božidar Ašanin, Tomislav Markićević, Jovana Bovan and Radovan Stojanovic, Staircase lighting automata using Siemens LOGO!, Technical Report
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34058.18881
Radovan Rabrenović, Marko Tadić, Radovan Stojanovic
Smart Covid-19 Face Mask
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12798.31041
Danilo Petričević, Anja Vukalović, Savo Vujošević, Radovan Stojanovic
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic,