APEG Group: Teaching Resources

Dear Students, Engineers, Researchers and Hobbyists,

Welcome to the website of the Applied Electronics Group (APEG), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro. APEG Group (Applied Electronics Group) was founded in 2004 at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Montenegro. It deals with electronics applied anytime everywhere. In addition to teaching content of the different courses, the site can be interesting for everyone dealing with HW and SW, including many aspects.

I hope you will find something interesting for you on our site.

Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic, APEG establisher and responsible professor for courses

<Teaching Courses> <Research> <Other>

Medical Electronics (MEDEL), BSc, Spec and Msc
Automated Design of Electronic Circuits and Systems (APEKS) and Simulation of Electronic Circuits (SEK), Spec and MSc
Industrial Electronics (INDEL), Spec and MSc
Real Time Control (RTC), Spec and MSc
Hardware-Software Design (HW-SW-DES), MSc
Biomedicinka mjerenja i instrumentacija (BMMI), MSc
VHDL and VHDL Programming, Spec and MSc
C Programing Language, BSc level
Applications of GIS Technologies in Maritime (GIS-MA), Spec and MSc
Modeling and Simulation in Electronics (MSE), Spec and MSc
Technological Entrepreneurship (TeEn), PhD
Precision Agriculture (PA), PhD
IoT Ecosystems (IoT-ECO), PhD
Archive from the old site

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester

ECTS catalogue
Lessons from professor

Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester


Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:
September term 2024 results

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester


Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:
September term 2024 results

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester


Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:
September term 2024 results

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester


Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:
September term 2024 results

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester


Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:
September term 2024 results

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)

Staff and term:
Prof. dr Radovan Stojanovic (professor), Dr Dejan Karadaglic (deputy), Summer semester


Labs and Exercises:

Workflow of the classes and exams:

Progress and knowledge check:
September term 2024 results

Other (additional material etc..):


Assistan’s space (teaching and other material from assistant)


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